
About me

picture about douglas

I was born in a beautiful small town in the south of Amazon Forest, called Ji-Paraná in the great state of Rondônia. Since early ages, I was an enthusiast in technological aspects of the world and this enthusiasm has resulted in my professional and academic careers. I hold a doctoral degree in the Graduate Program in Knowledge Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Currently, I'm an Associate Professor (Professor Adjunto) in the Department of Information Science (CIN) at UFSC. My research interests could be found at this website, but talking about briefly I focus in how we will manage, storage and retrieve these amount of data that we (and our devices) are generating day-by-day and how this can impact our lives.


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Phone: +55 48 3721-3548
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC
Departamento de Ciência da Informação – CIN
Centro de Ciências da Educação - CED - Bloco C - Sala 207
Florianópolis/SC – Brazil - CEP: 88010-900
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